Audrey's Top Crafts for Little Ones
Date Posted:25 August 2020

Introducing Audrey, one of our in-house toy testers.
She loves her job of checking out products and giving us an insight into what she loves and why. Audrey will be 3 in a couple of months so we gave her the chance to show everyone her top 5 Djeco Crafts.
1. DJ9887: Small Dots Painting. This is a great independent painting activity for young ones. Audrey loves that she is in control with this art activity. It is great for developing creativity and imagination through free play. Toddlers and preschoolers paint mess free with the foam markers and the painting slips into the cardboard cutouts for a stunning, creative and artistic finished product ready to display on the fridge. We have Audrey's hanging on the wall and she takes pride in telling visitors that she painted the artwork. The foam markers are also available separately. We love having these mess free activities for Audrey to work on while she sits next to her big sister doing her homework.
2. DJ9867: Dogs to Stroke Pompom Collage. This is a fun craft set for building fine motor skills. Children use the balls provided and add them to the sticky cut out shapes on the pictures of the dogs. Audrey is a big fan of dogs and really enjoyed the sensory aspect of this. It gives little ones the opportunity to explore with colours and build the muscles in their fingers by pinching each craft ball up and sticking it onto the glued craft shapes. Audrey really enjoyed taking the balls off and redoing the activity using different colour combinations.
3. DJ8974 - Magic Circles Collage SetAudrey loves layering the stickers with this reusable sticker set. It's a great activity for building knowledge of colours and for circle shape recognition. Children can explore how laying pink over blue will become purple or blue with yellow becomes green. The guided sheets provide the opportunity for practising matching the circles and semi-circles. A wonderful set for building those kindy and school readiness skills at home.
4. DJ9875: Little Monsters Collage Set. It is no surprise that this craft set was a finalist for the ASTRA best toy awards in the USA. Audrey really enjoyed the whole process. She was able to tear the paper into strips, glue the paper on and add the playful facial pieces to create silly bright monsters. There are guides on which colours to use but Audrey liked the control of mixing the colours and putting the mouths and eyes where she thought it looked silly. It was very sweet seeing how proud she was after she had created the monsters and gifted them to her dad and friend to hang up on the wall.
5. DJ9878: Squirt & Spread Painting Set. This has been at the top of Audrey's list since last year. It's a really great product for toddlers that are just starting out in the crafting world. Another really clever mess free product that has a great design. Parents (or little ones with help) can squirt the paint into one of the 4 plastic folders. You then close the folder and let the child spread the paint with their fingers. Audrey enjoyed the feeling of moving the paint around and mixing the colours without making a huge mess. For an extra sensory experience, the plastic can be taped onto the window while little ones spread the paint. Earlier in the year Audrey would do this activity every day. It is super easy to clean up ready to be used again with fresh paint.